
Mercurial Myopia

| Fri, Dec 02, 2022, 7:50 PM


I've been thinking about where I put my focus lately. I spend so much time invested in my academics, worrying and stressing over minutia. As a senior, this state is due to change in a few short months. How will I adjust from the high stakes life of Princeton to the comparatively sedate pace of a SWE job? I think the best answer, for me, is awareness.

In this image we see two bubbles in the slide. Coming together in embrace, like two pools of mercury on the precipice of merging. I am so focused on this image and idea, I fail to see the maple seed directly above the bubble. So focused on the inorganic, that the natural world fades to background.

Without the Princeton stress, I hope to regain my wider vision of the world. Take more time to be living rather than going to the next task. Observe life within life, rather than the grind.

I conducted this project as part of Professor Pringle’s EEB321 class at Princeton University



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
