
Live Baby Squid

| Sun Feb 20 47983 01:03:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


In December, Tom got several larval squid from the Hopkins marine station.  (shoutout to dianateuthis!) They were only about a millimeter or two in length but fairly active, so we decided to image them using the Foldscope.  We also wanted to try out a new imaging station I’ve been working on to pair with the Foldscope for thicker samples like this one.  Tom prepared a glass slide with a cover slip held up with four small balls of clay.  We placed the squid in a drop of water between the cover slip and the glass slide.  The height was enough to keep it ever so slightly pinned, but definitely not squished.

IMG_0005 IMG_0006

I used an iPod Touch to capture these images and videos.  I was only vaguely familiar with squid anatomy, so it was very exciting to see the chromatophores firing, the tentacles moving, the heart beating, and the gill structures.




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
