
Cactus Spine – [Bio60_2019]

| Wed Aug 22 51123 04:46:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


These are the spines of a small cactus plant I pulled from a dormmates collection. Upon removing the spines from the cactus; I immediately began preparing the sample. I adhered the slide and glass cover together with a drop of water and used tweezers to place tiny cacti spines in the center of the droplet. These spines were almost transparent and thinner than a strand of hair. The slide was placed in the foldscope normally. It was easy to focus the Foldscope. In the image you can see mini thorns coming off from each spine. Although it was tiny; I did feel a sharp prick as I was pulling the cacti spines off the living cactus. I was surprised to see the tiny spines in the Foldscope. They are remarkably clear and beautiful.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
