
Foldscope: Hands On Workshop cum Image Acquisition Contest

| Sun, Mar 17, 2019, 6:15 AM


A one-day event was conducted by Centre for Nanobiotechnology, VIT Vellore, on 16 March 2019 to aware UG/PG students and faculty members about the Foldscope and its potential advantages and applications.

The event was started with the journey of the invention of Foldscope from match-stick model to paper-origami based microscope development followed by initiatives taken by DBT, Govt. of India, to bring the Foldscope in India.

In the next session, all the participants assembled the Foldscope which was really unbelievable for them.

Thereafter, three hours’ time task was given to all the participants to participate in the Image Acquisition contest where they were given the task to capture images/videos of any sample of their choice using Foldscope.

The response of the contest was amazing and many participants could capture stunning videos and images during their first hands-on training of Foldscope. The images and videos were evaluated by experts, who are also faculty at VIT and based on their evaluation, contest results were declared.

Overall, the experience of the participants was amazing. They loved the journey of Foldscope invention and they are eagerly waiting for the next workshop on Paper Centrifuge “Paperfuge”.

With this post sharing few pics of event and feedback received on my WhatsApp.

Foldscope Workshop Flyer-Final

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Feedback received from the participants

Feedback-2 Feedback-3



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
