
A saprophytic Nematode extracted from Groundnut Soil Sample was seen under Foldscope at APAC, Kalavai

| Thu Aug 10 51200 08:53:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Soil Sample was collected from Groundnut Field and Followed the Procedure of Cobb’s sieving and Decanting Method to extract the nematodes.
Here, Plant Parasitic Nematode population are very Low, we only found Saprophytic Nematode which is long and highly mobile compared to parasitic nematode.
IMG_20190322_160836 (1)

We followed the following procedures for nematode extraction:

Collect the soil sample about 500g from rhizophere region of the plant. Sample was placed in the tray and remove debris and stones and add water at required amount to make solution and allow it for 10 minutes. Later, the soil solution was pass on to the different mesh size sieves are 60, 100, 150, 200 and 360 and finally pour the solution out. Collect the sediments settled in all the meshes using water and filtered it by using filter/tissue paper which should be placed above the wire mesh. Later the wire mesh containing filter paper was placed as such it should slightly touching on the water in the petriplate and allowed for 12 hours. So, that nematode moves towards water. After 12 hrs, pick the nematode using steromicroscope and prepare slide as usual and observe under Foldscope.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
