
What is my favorite slide so far?

| Fri, Jan 30, 2015, 10:25 AM


6-year-olds thoughts: So today my mommy asked me: “what is my favorite slide so far?” Of course I said a bugs wing, because it is a part of a bug!

I am learning about Picasso and his different styles: blue period, rose period, cubism, and so much more. In cubism Picasso wanted to see every side of anything that you could imagine. He made paintings out of what he saw.

Mommy has asked me to be like Picasso and to sketch the bug from different sides and to sketch what I saw through my scope. Here are my bug sketches:

Under the Foldscope this is what I saw. You can check out the slides HERE .


These are my drawings of the actual bug. (We found the bug inside our piano. He was very old, very broken, and very dusty.)


What I think the bug would have looked like when alive. (I think he is a moth.)




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
