
Foldscope made it to a big family meeting

| Wed, May 15, 2019, 12:30 PM


We used to gather in every opportunity to meet and share the love and enjoy the good time all together with delicious meals. But this time’s reason was different! I wanted to change the routine and take advantage of being part of this big family. Guess what the topic was FOLDSCOPE 🙂

So I called everyone and invited them to our house – After taking my mom’s permission haha-.

At the day of gathering, I did a quick presentation about biology and Microscopy then moved to the practical side of testing Foldscope.

My young relatives were super excited and waiting for me to inform them the date that I will visit their school to conduct a workshop and help me during it.

Enjoy the photos 🙂



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
