The image above is of the pollen of an Aloe Vera flower. The pollen is pointy on both end and long in shape. It is of dark yellow to brown color, mostly solid and hard to see through.
The pollen sample is obtained from an Aloe Vera flower on campus of Caltech, outside of Bechtel Residence. The flower is picked around 3:45 PM, 5/30. The anther is rubbed against the slide to release the pollen. The pollen is later spread out more evenly by rubbing the cover slip against the slide gently.
The flower is Aloe Vera , an evergreen perennial succulent species of genus Aloe . The flower of Aloe Vera is small (~ 3 cm in length and ~ 0.8 cm in width) and yellow in color. The flower is generally oriented facing downward and the petals are closed. More description can be found at the Wikipedia page: .