College name: CMR National PU college ITPL Bangalore
Sample name: Mealybug
Collected from: Hibiscus plant
Date of observation: 8 August 2019
Observation done at: CMR National PU college
Students involved: Ashritha Umesh and Boomika P of I PUC A
The Mealybug was placed on the paper slide and was viewed under the foldscope using natural light. The bug was greyish white in colour and had a Coccus shaped body. It had leg like structures for moving and wings which were present on the male bugs which helps it to fly to the female bug.
The Mealybug are called Planococcus citri scientifically . It belongs to the kingdom Animalia, phylum Arthropoda and family Pseudococcidae.
The Planococcus citri is a species of Mealybugs native to Asia.
Many species are considered as pests as they feed on plants.