On dated 03-09-2019, an outreach workshop on the use Foldscope was organised in Pragjyotish School, Panjabari, Guwahati (Assam). Me (PI) , CoPI Dr. Namrem Suchindrajit Singh, Project Asstt. Santana Saikia and two of my student Rubina and Anandita were present there.Students of class VII, IX and X were targeted and taught about assembly of Foldscope and how it can be used to observed their syllabus related topics like- onion peel, pollen of flower etc. They were very curious about the Foldscope as they have not seen a normal microscope before, so it was a new to them. Objects collected by the students like- their own hair, leaves section, Frooti were also observed by them. One Foldscope was given to their School so that later on they can use this to enlighten their curious mind.
Few photos of the program are attached here