
Foldscope at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

| Thu Mar 24 48461 17:50:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Diffusion of scientific and discoveries and innovations constitute one of the most important processes for the massification of these for all communities worldwide. It is for this reason that it results very fascinating to generate an integration of knowledge and ideas around objects that could facilitate a better understanding of our environment.

With these ideas and all the enthusiasm we put on each of the research projects we have been performing for already a lot of time is that we are now taking the Foldscope to different institutions, places and communities so that they can comprehend, as we did, all the benefits of this scientific-educational tool.


When mentioning the fascinating world at which Foldscope bring us, the imagination and the ideas of everyone who for the first time can use it, and everything they can imagine around their infinite uses and applications, result useful and incredible for us, and certainly also for future communities. This is what happened the last Friday of June in the Faculty of Public Health and Administration of UPCH. I am sure that all the participants in this event understood how important the Foldscope is, and will be, for the global public health.

All the enthusiasm for improving, applying and implementing the Foldscope in different areas (from engineering and biology to nutrition and psychology) will result in benefits for all the populations around the world, mainly the ones with the lowest resources, populations with a low-level of development and with a poor sanitary sustainability.

04 05 07


Cytological details staining with Eco-Pap (conventional preparation). Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy (NLIM) and chronic inflammation (10x). Cervical cancer Project.

Although it is still under revision, the article that will start the development, application and evaluation of Foldscope as a medical diagnosis device applied to the cervical cancer diagnosis, we principally believe that sharing our results and problems can benefit all the participating people.


Jeel Moya-Salazar, MT



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
