
Foldscope in the Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal

| Mon, Aug 01, 2016, 4:40 PM


During the last week of the semester the Foldscope presentation was held at the National University Federico Villarreal.  It was a multitudinal presentation where all students met, observing and learning about the benefits of Foldscope. This institution with more than 50 years of creation and is one of the most influential in Latin America.

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From its halls and classrooms they have been raised knowledge have changed the design of various fields of science as a “Las Ocho Regiones Naturales del Perú” by  Dr. Javier Pulgar Vidal.

The villarrealinos imagined how you can benefit the natural sciences with tools like Foldscope. In this sense, the dreams, ideals and realities converge into one, with a single purpose: the development of scientific knowledge.

It was necessary to travel to the former Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, located east of Lima, PER.,they visited classroom by classroom to finish in a massive conference in the auditorium of the University. In the images shown the practical presentation of the educational tool in the halls of plant ecophysiology.

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For this practice extended pollen were evaluated with conventional optical microscope and the Foldscope. It was exciting surprise of all participants, all teachers and all friends noticing better quality in recognizing pollens, of different size and shape, with the Foldscope; with this tool you can not only recognize, but it could videotape and photograph automatically and live what they observed.

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Thanks to these events was that the directors of the university, like other institutions, are very interested in including the Foldscope as an educational tool for undergraduate, graduate and education campaigns in schools and health centers.


Finally, we are confident that these efforts will generate a better understanding of the micro-lives that exist everywhere, and come out to the new generations, and the ancient, of the science.


Jeel Moya-Salazar, MT



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
