Foldscope is so affordable and can easy to used anywhere, it brings science to our daily life activities. I’m looking forward to work with the foldscope it is very easy to carry and handling a foldsope is innovative learning to me.
With the help of foldscope I observed anatomical characters in plant stem and also studied the trichome morphology. This experience was amazing to me.
Acalypha indica Linn.
My first anatomical section was taken from Acalypha indica Linn. commonly called as Indian copperleaf belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae
Habit of Acalypha indica
Here is the first foldscope image….
Important characters:
With the support of foldscope under high magnification I clearly viewed Sphaeraphides and glandular matter in cortex and pith region.
Adhatoda vasica Nees .
Adhatoda vasica commonly called as Malabar nut belongs to the family Acanthaceae.
Important characters:
Euphorbia hirta L.
I really surprised to view the single trichome in the outer region which is multicellular and uniseriate.
At that time I awe to capture that adorable pic in my mobile phone with the help of foldscope.
So I greatfully acknowledge Dr. Manu prakash Ms. Christine Q Kurinara, and the prakash lab at Stanford university for encouraging and supporting me in this project.
I also thank department of biotechnology for providing me the wonderful opportunity to exposure myself in foldscope.