
Scum of Lotus pond observed through foldscope

| Tue, Sep 25, 2018, 11:03 AM


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Field visit to Botanical garden for GGDSD students was a great adventure for us. Foldscope has changed the perception – “learning can be fun’. There was a lotus pond in the botanical garden in which lots of scum was there. I had collected a sample for analysis through foldscope. The scum was not slimy and was spread in a large area of the pond.

On taking a sample for observation, I realized it was like a dense biofilm. I teased a part of it with a little difficulty as it appeared algal filaments had formed a woven mass. The algal filaments appeared dead and formed a mat-like structure.

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Jasveen Dua, GGDSD College, Chandigarh



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
