Household kitchen is an amazing place to observe and do experiments. Foldscope users have been doing just that.
This post lists all such observations and experiments and it’s comment section provides a space to discuss things around it.
Beauty of Kitchen Sink Experiments
आले/अदरक/Ginger through the Foldscope
वांगे/बैगन/Eggplant through the Foldscope
हिरवी मिर्ची/ हरी मिर्च/ Chilli through the Foldscope
टोमेटो/ टमाटर/ Tomato through the Foldscope
Tomato skin under a Foldscope.
कोथिंबीर/ हरा धनिया/ Coriander through the Foldscope
कढीपत्ता/ करीपत्ता/ Curry leaf through the Foldscope
कांदा/ प्याज़/ Onion through the Foldscope