
Foldscope activity challenge Day 6

| Fri, Apr 15, 2022, 4:31 PM


Feb 14th, 18:30 / Topic: Mental Health of Science Communicator.
Big shopping center + Bazaar (showcase event of products) = crowd of families with kids around. I wanted to spend time with my family and do the activity there. In first glance one may assume, that day was most productive one so far, yet it was opposite because I was not in the mood and less likely comfortable talking to people.

I want to focus in this post about mental health of science communicator. What a capacity we would have if we could do multiple things and create big impact in short time. But that’s not how things get done in reality, we have to take action in small steps and sometimes so small that can bypass our moodiness yet powerful enough to reverse effect our mood to feel better post taking action. It’s kind of contagious states for mind to be in mood.

Here is what I try:
1- If zero mood.
2- Do something could be done without mood.
3- Check in if that gave some dose of mood to do the next one?
4- If not, means a refuel is needed so time to chillaxing not feeling bad for not being in the mood.
5- At the end of the day one thing is done at least so there won’t be a zero day inshallah.

The conclusion from my experience is:
It’s okay to have zero mood yet discipline enough to do ONE thing at least to prove you are not in the mood, if that’s the case fill up your energy by simply giving yourself time off.
Otherwise, taking the FIRST action will lift your mood dose to do again and more so let it to increase your sense of accomplishment by small steps which generate small wins.
Later I discovered, it turns our its the it second case more likely to happen mostly.

Give yourself indefinite chances to do what you want to achieve.

About the activity:

Low mood day output results.
I only talked to 5 kids that day and few adults, I am glad I did not break the chain of challenge and had 1 more productivity that day.
Enjoy the few pictures I captured.

Activity Lessons & Reviews:

  • Hesitant when not asking for permission beforehand from administration when doing activity somewhere. I can reflect now this was also another added reason why I did not feel comfortable to talk to people.
  • Be confident and bravely step in and talk to adults and show kids the Foldscope.
  • Start conversations and relax, I am not going to be arrested haha!
  • Ask for permission before taking pictures.
  • Use every chance to make science communication.
  • Turn into lifestyle and make it part of my identity.
  • Be solid and clear in way I talk, show how important doing this is and make people curious and full of wonder.
  • Start with Hello/Salam Aleykum warmly.
  • Take more notes and pictures.
  • Organise content and archive on daily basis the progress.

I lost the track of posting consistently so here is another lesson for me when I am high I do not give word publicly without being sure about. I supposed to finish sharing the documentation of the challenge journey since beginning of April so hope anyone who was waiting for my posts everyday forgive me for this delay. This is another habit I am trying to have is building & sharing online (projects, learn things) as I make small progress and do things consistently, I share step by step updates publicly with people.
I will set new deadline target to hit and see if I am going to do it.

New date is 30 April. Publishing challenge days should be finished by then inshallah.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
